CUCM(Cisco Unified Communications Manager)通过开启CDR(Call Detail Record)功能能对所有处理过的电话进行记录,CDR文件能通过CUCM自带的CDR Analysis and Reporting功能进行话单查询,还能够自动发送到第三方的计费系统进行更详细的话费计算和话单处理。
挨踢小茶使用的是发送到安装有第三方话费处理软件的服务器上进行处理的,但是最近发现一个问题,就是CUCM产生的CDR文件没有包含FAC(Forced Access Code),导致计费的时候无法针对FAC码进行相关处理,这里提供一个方法开启“Display FAC in CDR”功能。
Configuring CDR Service ParametersCAR relies on the data in the CDR and CMR records to generate both the CAR and CDR reports. CAR requires that the CDRs be available in flat files on the server where you access CAR. To ensure that the CDR records are generated, and generated in the manner you can use for your particular system, you must enable certain Cisco Unified Communications Manager service parameters:You can configure these parameters on the Service Parameters Configuration window in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. To access the Service Parameters Configuration window, open Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration and choose System -> Service Parameters. Choose the Advanced button to display the complete list of Service Parameters. The following list of service parameters can affect CDR/CMR records:Display FAC in CDR—This parameter determines whether the Forced Authorization Code (FAC) that is associated with the call displays in the CDR. Valid values specify True (display authorization code in CDRs) or False (do not display authorization code in CDRs) for this required field. The default value specifies False.